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BLANK CANVAS Birmingham February 2025 reboot!

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We go again, Blank Canvas Birmingham! Despite two postponements, Phi Morton will contact improvisers who have registered their interest.
We will find a date and then do it!
Third time lucky!



A summary of the event details confirmation to follow:

  • The first session for this project is now scheduled for February 2025 the a date is yet to be confirmed and is subject to the session being quorate.
  • the plan is: an afternoon session during one weekend in February 2025. There is strong interest in this session.
  • Doors To be confirmed
  • Participants, the players, should arrive ready to start playing (good to go) 30 minutes after doors open.
  • There will be at least two sets of thirty-six minutes duration and maybe one short set of ten minutes.
  • End of the show is scheduled for TBC.
  • All out: TBC hours.

The goal is to

  • Create something new in a musical sense owned by those present
  • Explore the possibilities of freedom and improvisation and their limits.

The approach is to

  • Shape the sound with silence.
  • Shape the ensemble size: moment by moment.
  • Empower musicians with agency in their contributions. Shape the music through active listening.

How is this achieved?

  • The ensemble session will employ System 50:50 for improvisers.
  • System 50:50 for improvisers achieves the aim and approach in any ensemble, regardless of its size.

The players, criteria

  • This event is unsuitable for players and musicians new to the genre.
  • Participation in this event is by invitation or application.
  • Experienced improvisers are welcome; in other words, individuals who regularly participate in free ensemble improvisation during concerts are encouraged to APPLY.
  • You are welcome to ask to attend if you are uncertain whether you meet the criteria. However, you may be asked to listen and discuss the options for the future.
  • The number of attendees will be limited based on the room's capacity. All attendees must make a reservation.



There are subs to pay, £5.00

When we are ready, and good2go, tickets will be made available through the Eventbrite website.


About System 50:50

The goal is to

  • Create something new in a musical sense owned by those present
  • Explore the possibilities of freedom and improvisation and their limits.

The approach is to

  • Shape the sound with silence.
  • Shape the ensemble size: moment by moment.
  • Empower musicians with agency in their contributions. Shape the music through active listening.


The duration of the piece is agreed before the start of the performance..
A performer must play for 50% of the duration of the piece and remain silent for 50% of the duration of the piece

If the duration of the piece is 16 minutes, the performer plays for 8 minutes and is silent for 8 mins. Each player is free to choose when they play and when they are silent within the duration of the piece but they must have a 50/50 balance between playing and being silent. It is expected that each player will improvise their music.
Quick summary using 50:50 ratio

Each player `improvises` for 50% of the piece
Each player is `tacet` for 50% of the piece
The totals are aggregated
Each player/improviser has their own clock and manages their own time
Each player has `agency` over the content they share during the performance.

System 50:50 for improvisers - Click the link for a detailed description and history.


Delivered by the primary and preferred time management option:

Mechanical chess clocks are required to facilitate the aim of the system. One of the pair of dials is called ‘tacet’ and the other ‘free play’.See image above. Each performer has an individual chess clock to monitor and manage their contribution. The performer plays when the ‘free play’ dial is running down and is silent when the ‘tacet’ dial is running down.

Youtube demonstration, Duration 1 minute Ratio 50:50 or 1:1 Content, is speech, status managed by the rocker (lever): URL LINK

Link to image of an adapted chess clock URL LINK

Selected feedback about system 50:50

Simon Ross (Macclesfield), Blank Canvas Octet - Liverpool

System 50/50 works well - it’s a really good way to get a group to play effectively without egos , virtuosity , and shyness getting in the way. It is democratic, inclusive. coherent, leaderless, focused, there is room to think and time to listen, choices. It is less competitive more cooperative. Ends well.

Charlie Collins Sheffield

On system 50:50 “Definitely something with LOADS of possibilities - the reaction in the car driving back was unbelievably positive - no one could remember playing in a large ensemble that was so "open". The openness allowed me to play quietly, which meant the dynamics were incredible for an improvising large ensemble.”

Dan Goren, Oxford Improvisers.

`"It seems to me that any attempt to restrict what free improvisers play, presents a threat to the core nature of their music. Generally, 'To play or not play' is about as far as any predetermination can productively go, the player retaining (almost!) complete formal agency regarding when and what (s)he decides to play"

Richard Harding Liverpool.

``Sometimes in free improv it is just not working but we carry on in the hope it will get better, in system 50:50 if it (free improv) is not working one can select tacet and stop playing`

Jon Aveyard, Lecturer UCLan University England

`It gives me permission to do nothing`

Helen Conning, Liverpool.

It is democratic

Maggie Nicol - West Wales.

I want to buy twelve 50:50 clocks



Sign up

Suggested scripts for the form

Name of event, please enter Blank Canvas Birmingham
Location: please enter, Birmingham
Comments: add your comments and any requests for support with Zoom and the associated technologies required to support online participation.

Name of the event or project, you have viewed on the website that interests you*
Location of the project if known: if not known, simply enter `not known`*
add your name to the contact list for this project and receive newsletters: .*
Your comments, tell us a little bit about yourself and your interest in this project*
Word Verification: The script is small and can lead to errors. Try the zoom function in your browser settings to make the script larger.
Office uset:

Email: please send an email, sharing your interest in this project to: philmorton@improvisersnetwork.co.uk

If an offer for this event has been created at the Eventbrite site, the following link will take you to the host account (Improvisers Networks Online) where the event will be displayed, and you can reserve your ticket



About the venue

Looking for the perfect space to rehearse, record or jam?

Our newly refurbished Music Room 2 has welcomed bands, musicians and artists seeking an inspiring place to create.

Music Room 2 is the largest space in our recently refurbished rehearsal/recording suite. The space includes two drum kits, a PA system and a Yamaha U3 upright piano. Perfect for a band/ensemble looking for a fresh and inspiring space to make music in. Music Room 2 doubles as one of the live rooms for our Recording Studio, and is linked to the Recording Studio via video-link and audio tie-lines. Music Room 2 benefits from a bright, yet controlled acoustic which can be dampened down by way of customisable acoustic panels.

The space includes two drum kits, a piano, additional music equipment, plus a screen and camera which can be linked to our Recording Studio. The room also features customisable acoustic treatment.

Whether you're a group looking to practice and record demos or solo artists seeking a creative getaway, our Music Room 2 provides the ideal environment to let your talents shine. Come make your masterpiece in this modern, tech-loaded studio!



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