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Displaying items by tag: Events and concerts UK

The Gathering is a floating population of improvisers in various media but mostly music which is spontaneously created in the moment..

 The first Sunday of the month, is the plan, but be advised to check with LIO or the host

To create something new in a musical sense owned by those present
To explore the possibilities of freedom and improvisation and their limits in music.

Launched in May 2020, The 50:50 Online project, The Blank Canvas Octet, continues to meet weekly on Zoom.

Session design: This series that is called Click! is an online, telematic project hosted by zoom. It is managed by Phil Morton under the lable: centrifuge
Numerically there will be between 6 and twelve participants in the session. The participants are experienced in the genre known as free improvised music.

Flimflam is a club night which since its inception in January 2001 has played an integral role in the promotion of London’s burgeoning and fertile improvised and experimental music scenes
Refer to the image to view the featured artists for this month. Otherwise use your imagination, or try the Flim Flam website.

Boat-Ting - FIRST MONDAY OF EVERY MONTH, for 19 years and more

More Skin Sound (David Toop & Ania Psenitsnikova), Luke Fowler & Nakul Krishnamurthy, Giuseppe Mistretta

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